Alcohol and Exercise Over the Holidays

Alcohol and Exercise Holiday

With all of the holiday festivities and parties going on, it’s only natural to want to partake in the holiday cheer with a couple of festive cocktails. It can be a struggle to stay on track with your goals during this time of year. Here at Fit Farm at Rock Springs, we focus on real-life results! The key is all about portion and moderation, not the absence of your personal joy or social life. We want you to have fun, …

Holiday Cheer Without the Fear!

Holiday Drink Guide

We all want to have a little cheer around the holidays. And whether you’re in tip-top shape or not, a little alcohol can make your celebrations a little bit cheerier. However, when you’ve worked hard to get into (or maintain your) shape all year, you don’t want to throw away your progress over a few high-caloric drinks. But what if you could have a holiday drink or two without worrying that you’re going to blow your nutritional plan? And what …