We know what you’re thinking. Fitness camps are designed for people who are dangerously obese and need serious intervention to get them back on the right track. That’s a common misconception, but it’s actually not true. It turns out, people of various weights and fitness levels attend fitness camps every year. Some even visit multiple times a year. When it comes to making real lifestyle changes, people are realizing fitness camps are the perfect setting to jumpstart or continue achieving …
Fat camp is OUT. Weight Loss camp is IN.
What is a Fat Farm or Fat Camp? Fat Farms for adults (also called Fat Camps) got their start in the early 1900s and are still in operation today as a get-fit-quick solution. Typically geared towards women, these camp-like destinations promise fast and drastic weight loss through diet and light calisthenics. The problem with the fat camp approach is that the big promise of quick weight loss relies heavily on an unhealthy reduction in the number of calories taken in …