Who Comes to Fit Farm Fitness Retreats

Who Comes to Fit Farm?

Rock Springs Retreat Center / February 28, 2023 / Anna Rutherford / 2
Are you interested in attending a fitness and weight loss retreat? Maybe you’ve heard about Fit Farm but were curious about who attends our retreats. At Fit Farm, we’re proud to serve guests of all different backgrounds that come through our doors. This includes adults of all ages, sizes, fitness levels, and goals from all over the world - this experience caters to everyone! Let’s take a closer look at who comes to Fit Farm!

Demographics at Fit Farm

Fit Farm's fitness and weight loss retreats are a great example of how the health and wellness revolution is open to everyone - true wellness and health aren’t gender specific. Despite the fact that the majority of our attendees are female, men can benefit as much as women by getting immersed in our challenging and productive program. We recognize that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness, which is why Fit Farm offers a uniquely tailored program that’s built around your individual needs and goals. With a diverse team of professional trainers including both women and men who understand the specific challenges and concerns of getting fit at any gender, you can feel confident in achieving your desired outcomes!
Men and Women Fitness Retreat at Fit Farm

Ages at Fit Farm

Fitness isn’t just for the young or active. At Fit Farm, our guest age range is vast and includes young adults and college students as far up as those in their 70s and 80s. With such a large and diverse age group, it’s understandable that many would fear that they would be either under or over-challenged; however, this isn’t the case at Fit Farm. Fitness journeys are unique, and as we age, our bodies change. What works for someone in their 40s or 50s shouldn’t be expected to produce the same results for seniors or someone that’s in their 20s, our bodies are more complex than that (you can learn more about how our bodies change as we age in our blog, Fitness for All Ages). At Fit Farm, our staff is well-versed when it comes to the dynamic and sophisticated relationship between aging and fitness – that’s why our guests continue to unlock their highest potential and discover healthier versions of themselves no matter their age.
All Ages at Fit Farm Fitness Retreats

Fitness Levels at Fit Farm

Fit Farm's fitness and weight loss retreats are truly inclusive as we also welcome guests from all levels of fitness. Those who participate in our program include anyone and everyone from all types of fitness backgrounds including former athletes to those who have never even been in a gym before. Before you participate in one of our retreats, our trainers will work with you to determine which fitness level you belong in to ensure that you receive the appropriate support during your visit. We’ve broken down the fitness levels in our program into three categories below. You can also find which level you fall into here.

Fitness Level 1

  • Beginner or little to no experience with fitness
  • Wants to learn more about nutrition and exercise

Fitness Level 2

  • Familiar with fitness and nutrition
  • Seeks to build solid/consistent habits that are sustainable

Fitness Level 3

  • Current/former athlete
  • Seeks a true challenge and to take fitness to the next level
No matter your background, the staff at Fit Farm will work with you to ensure that your journey is a successful one. Through group activities, personalized instruction, and nutritional advice, everyone can get on the fast track to improving their overall health and well-being regardless of their starting point at Fit Farm. Speaking of starting points, let’s talk goals!

Goals at Fit Farm

What do our guests come to Fit Farm for? Well, everyone has different goals when they arrive. Some are looking to get fit again after years away from the gym. Others want to shed a couple of inches off their waistline. There are also those looking to lose up to 100 pounds! The goals of our guests are so diverse, we couldn’t even begin to name all of them here. However, what we can do is give you an idea through some of the personal goals our guests have shared with us below.
Lose Weight at Fit Farm
Get Fast Results at Fit Farm
Focus on Yourself at Fit Farm
Create a Healthy Lifestyle at Fit Farm
Get Back on the Fitness Wagon at Fit Farm
Mental Health Break at Fit Farm
Healthy Vacation with Friends at Fit Farm
Challenge Yourself at Fit Farm
Train for an Event at Fit Farm
And the goals don’t stop there! Whatever your goal may be, we can help you achieve it here at Fit Farm!

Global Reach at Fit Farm

Everyone brings something special with them when they arrive here at Fit Farm – no matter where they originate from! While most of our guests are from the United States, Fit Farm’s reach has extended beyond the US, and we’ve hosted guests from all over the world including North America, South America, Europe, and Asia! Our community is made up of people who come together with one common goal – to improve their health and get into great shape. Despite our diversity, we become one big family that encourages each other throughout the program and beyond. In fact, the friendships made here on the farm often become life-long relationships with many returning together!
Fit Farm Global Reach
At Fit Farm we strive to create an atmosphere that is welcoming for everyone regardless of gender, age, fitness level, or background. We provide an environment where you can focus on your own personal journey as well as learn from and support those around you. We believe that leading an active lifestyle should be accessible for everyone, so we strive to create a place where everyone feels comfortable being themselves while working towards achieving their goals! So, if you’ve ever thought about attending Fit Farm’s fitness and weight loss retreat but weren’t sure if you’d fit in – we hope you feel welcome and will come join us! If you have any lingering hesitations, our staff will be more than happy to answer any questions and help guide you on your path toward success! We look forward to seeing you on the farm soon!


    1. Post

      Hi Karen, thank you for your interest! Our retreats run Sunday-Sunday all year with the exception of the last 2 weeks of the year when we close for the holidays. The address for our retreat center is below.

      732 Rock Springs Rd, Castalian Springs, TN 37031