Exercise You Need to Lose Weight

The Amount of Exercise You Need to Do to Lose Weight

Exercise is one of the most talked-about subjects in the world, and likely a source of much procrastination as well. If you’re trying to maximize the results of your exercise routine, it may seem like a guessing game as to the right amount of exercise you need to lose weight. Wondering how to find that perfect balance? One thing that is often a result of creating unrealistic goals for yourself is an unmanageable degree of discouragement, which can ultimately cause …

Break Through the Fitness Plateau

Break Through the Fitness Plateau

Perhaps the most frustrating point in everyone’s fitness journey is the dreaded plateau. You’ve worked so hard, cleaned up your diet, you’re exercising every day, and you’re just stuck. Those last pesky pounds will not budge. Fortunately, this is common and there are some simple tricks that will work to get you past the fitness plateau, as long as you work at it. Break the routine, overcome the plateau We talk a lot about the value of routines, but there …

The Benefits of Eating Clean

Healthy Eating at Fit Farm Rock Springs

Noise Versus Nutrition: Hanging Up the Hype In the increasingly fragmented world of nutritional plans and fitness frameworks, it’s fair to say that there’s more than enough confusion out there to make the average person wonder – what’s the best way to structure my eating plan? What works? What’s just hype? The noise in this space is deafening, and sometimes contradictory – fraught with hundreds of alleged experts and practitioners all vying for consumer attention, and (of course) dollars. But …

Tracking Your Heart Rate

Tracking Your Heart Rate

Our trainers at Fit Farm capture your integrated FitBit data from day one of your program in a mindful, adaptive approach to customize your training experience. We will use the health data stream from your Fitbit at camp as an important piece of your overall health metrics and track your heart rate. Why Fitbit for Heart Rate Tracking? The Fitbit allows us to easily track your calories and heart rate without the use of additional devices and is a great …

3D Body Scanning for Results

3D Body Scanning at Fit Farm at Rock Springs

When it comes to measuring results, Fit Farm at Rock Springs doesn’t play around. With four key methodologies, their data-driven approach produces accurate results that help you achieve a real “body reset.” Of the four, STYKU 3D Body Scanning is the most cutting-edge technology that produces remarkable progress results in a matter of seconds!   What is STYKU 3D Body Scanning? STYKU is a body scanner that provides interactive 3D visuals of your body before and after, so you know …

Accurate Body Fat Measuring

Accurate Body Fat Measuring at Fit Farm

There are so many ways to measure your body fat composition, but ever notice how one reading will differ from another? Which body fat measurement is accurate? What should you base your health and fitness levels on? Today, there is a method considered the golden standard that many health experts utilize for accurate body fat measuring that you can depend on. This method is known as hydrostatic testing.   What is Hydrostatic Testing? Hydrostatic testing, also known as hydrostatic underwater …

How Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Affects Your Health

How RMR Affects Your Health

What Exactly is Resting Metabolic Rate and Why Should I Care? Let’s face it, there’s a lot involved in the science behind fitness, and it can be a bit overwhelming, especially for those who are just starting their journey. It’s intimidating when you are coming from the outside and you see acronyms like RMR, BMR, REE, etc. What does all of that mean and why is it important to know when I’m just starting? While we could get into the …

Fat camp is OUT. Weight Loss camp is IN.

Fat Camp is Out Weight Loss Camp is In

What is a Fat Farm or Fat Camp? Fat Farms for adults (also called Fat Camps) got their start in the early 1900s and are still in operation today as a get-fit-quick solution. Typically geared towards women, these camp-like destinations promise fast and drastic weight loss through diet and light calisthenics. The problem with the fat camp approach is that the big promise of quick weight loss relies heavily on an unhealthy reduction in the number of calories taken in …

4 Fitness Trends You Need to Try

Fitness Trends You Need to Try

There are a multitude of posts about the hottest fitness trends that you absolutely must try right now! Truth be told, while it’s great to be aware of new exercise trends, it’s more beneficial to find a fitness program that is most effective for your needs. We have selected a well-rounded group of current fitness trends that pay off in different ways: HIIT, Group Training, Zoom Training, and Strength Training. The choices are purposeful because we know that nurturing and …